Farmer Funding Opportunities Database

Click on the buttons above to see different full-size views of the funding database in a new tab.
Find our Spanish translation of the database here:

See all additional information on each grant by clicking it or the “expand record” icon, which looks like two arrows pointing away from each other.
Not all database information may be current. For the most accurate and updated information, please go directly to the linked funding opportunity webpage.

Find funds for what you need, fast

The funding opportunities database allows you to easily see when grants are open for application, which on-farm activities or subjects they fund, paperwork needed for application, and more.

Scroll down for additional information on how to use the database.

Want to provide information on a funding opportunity that is not currently in the database? 
Click the button to go to our submission form.

How to Search in the Airtable Database

Search Bar

Click Ctrl+F on your keyboard or click the search button in the top right corner (highlighted in yellow in the screenshot) and type in what you are looking for (ex. “equipment”). It will highlight all the funding opportunities containing the word you type in.


Use the filter function at the top.

You can filter by a specific field: This example chooses Funder, contains, “NRCS” and then all funding opportunities that are funded through the NRCS will show up.

You can filter by multiple conditions at once, and use any category of information to make a filter.