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A Land Manager’s Guide for Creating Fire-Resistant Forests

This publication provides an overview of how various silvicultural treatments affect fuel and fire behavior, and how to create fire-resistant forests. In properly treated, fire-resistant...

Recovering from Wildfire, Healing the Land

There’s a human impulse to rebuild, to resume life as it was. In nature, there is the cycle of regeneration that comes after a fire....

Animals in Disaster online training course, FEMA

This course is intended to help animal owners, care providers, and industries to understand incident management. The objectives of this course are to increase awareness...

Guide to Disaster Preparedness: Ag & Natural Resources

When disasters strike, animals as well as people need to be safely relocated. This guide is intended to provide useful information about developing a disaster...

Family Emergency Plan (en español)

Plan de Comunicaciones Familiares – Es probable que su familia no estĂ© junta cuando ocurra un desastre, de modo que deben planiËœcar cĂ³mo se van...

Family Emergency Communication Plan

This document outlines three steps to take to create your Family Emergency Communication Plan: collect contact information for your family and other important contacts; make...

Farming with Food Safety and Conservation

Food-borne illness linked to pathogens in meat, processed food, and produce has led to increased attention to food safety issues at all points along the...

Building Soils for Better Crops

Building Soils for Better Crops is a one-of-a-kind, practical guide to ecological soil management, now expanded and in full color. It provides step-by-step information on soil-improving...

FAQ: Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

New NSAC Food Safety Modernization Act Resource: Food Safety Training Requirements for Produce Farms If my farm is fully subject to FSMA do I need to schedule...