Words count! Use these proven “hooks” to attract CSA members

In preparation for CSA Week 2021, CAFF and the CSA Innovation Network hosted a fantastic webinar on how to use proven marketing messages (hooks) to attract and retain new CSA members.

Watch the entire webinar here, download the CSA Hooks Guide, or jump to a webinar segment below that interests you:

PART ONE: Using Hooks to Attract New CSA Members

  • What are marketing hooks and why should I care about them? >> 

  • What are the proven marketing hooks for CSA customers? (intro) >>

    Hook #1: I want to eat healthy

    Hook #2: I like to try new varieties of food >>

    Hook #3: I love the freshness and the taste >>

    Hook #4: I value supporting a local business  >>

    Hook #5: I want to know my farmer  >>

    Hook #6: I want ethically raised food >>

PART TWO: Using Hooks to Attract New CSA Members

  • Strategies for using hooks to sell CSA shares (intro) >>
    Strategy #1: Referrals >>
    Strategy #2: Social media >>
    Strategy #3: Press releases >>
    Strategy #4: Email >>