Support Urban Agriculture in Cotati!

Every community deserves the right to local food sovereignty. And that’s the effort unfolding right now in the city of Cotati. Speak up today or at the upcoming city council meeting on March 22nd to join CAFF in saying: we want urban agriculture and believe that locally-grown food contributes to a healthier, happier and more resilient community!


Last year, when a young farmer was stopped in his tracks while trying to establish a new organic farm, we learned that Cotati forbids the growing of crops for sale within city limits on most properties, even if sold direct to neighbors. To hear the full saga of this aspiring farmer, read the latest article in Made Local magazine here

Thankfully, when CAFF and our partners approached the city of Cotati, they listened and, using our feedback, proposed changes to city codes that would allow this upstart farm to carry on. A commendable start, however the city stopped short of CAFF’s full requests. Under their more modest proposal, agriculture would remain illegal on most properties. That’s why we’re calling on Cotati city residents to join us in urging the city to think bigger and allow for agriculture throughout the city, regardless of zoning, as we’ve seen successfully undertaken in other communities, such as with Sacramento’s Urban Ag Ordinance. 


There are two ways you can speak out: either by showing up on March 22, 6-9 pm to the next city council meeting and make a public comment (meeting agenda will be posted here soon) or by writing to your city council (contact info below), explaining why you believe urban agriculture is a welcome addition to your community. 

You can read CAFF’s full request letter to the city of Cotati here, including the reasons we believe urban agriculture is a valuable and positive addition to any community. Feel free to use ours or develop your own.

  1. Extend “commercial crop production” to all zones
  2. CSA sales and on-site farm stands, with produce grown on site, should be allowed in all zones by right and on all parcel sizes; no permit required.
  3.  Hours for machinery and mechanical equipment operation should be extended to 7:00 pm, including weekends and holidays (or to the zone’s existing noise regulations).
  4. Increase the number of hens allowed to 20 per acre.
  5. Community Gardens should be supported in all zones.

John C. Moore:
Susan Harvey:
Mark Landman:
Laura Sparks:
Ben Ford:

City clerk: